Last updated: February 2023

Who we are

The Bentwaters Cold War Museum is run by the Bentwaters Aviation Society and is a registered charity (1124197).

Our address is Building 134, Bentwaters Parks, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, IP12 2TW

The personal data we collect

The data we collect is generally limited to contact details (name, postal address, email address and phone number), but may also include:

  • Your title, gender and date of birth
  • Family and spouse/partner details, relationships to other donors and/or members
    current interests and activities
  • Visits to the Bentwaters Cold War Museum and event attendance
  • Contact preferences
  • Consent
  • Gift Aid status
  • Details of correspondence sent to you, or received from you where relevant, media coverage
  • Any other information provided by you
  • For volunteers, we collect next-of-kin and medical details.

What we use data for

We use data for the following purposes:

  • Mailings relating to news, events, membership, fundraising, products and the Bentwaters Aviation Society’s general activities
  • For market research purposes, e.g. sending you surveys
  • To work out how effectively we are reaching the whole community and how diverse our audiences are.
  • To monitor the effectiveness of our communications,
    Data screening and cleansing, to check if we have accurate contact details for you.
  • To record consent, e.g. consent to use a photo of you in our marketing.
  • Collections data to enhance the understanding and educational value of our collection with information pertaining to its former use, ownership or history, including donor details. This information is part of our public catalogue. Donating an object or information to the Bentwaters Cold War Museum comes with an expectation that relevant information (information which enhances understanding of an object or document) will be made publicly accessible.

Opting out

You can opt out of any or all of our communications simply by contacting us using either the email address

Data sharing

The museum will not share your data with any other organisation, except where required to for legal reasons and financial reporting (e.g. Gift Aid) or if an external organisation is acting as a contracted data processor carrying out work on our behalf, such as evaluation. However, we will never pass on your details without your explicit consent.

Data security

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Seeing the data we hold about you

You can submit a ‘Subject Access Request’ to see the data we hold about you. This should be sent to or addressed to ‘Data Controller, BCWM, Building 134, Bentwaters Parks, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, IP12 2TW

Website Links

The Bentwaters Cold War Museum website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.

Cookies on our website

In order to make our website easier to use and improve our service, we sometimes place small amounts of information on your computer. These are known as cookies and they are used by most major websites.

How we use cookies

This site uses two types of cookies:


Every time a user visits our website, web analytics software provided by a third party generates an anonymous analytics cookie.

These cookies can tell us whether or not you have visited the site before. Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if you don’t, we generate new ones. This allows us to track how many individual unique users we have, and how often they visit the site.

These cookies cannot be used to identify individuals; they are used for statistical purposes only.


On some pages, third parties may also set their own anonymous cookies, for the purposes of tracking the success of their application, or customising the application for you. Because of how cookies work, we cannot access these cookies, nor can the third parties access the data in cookies used by this website.

For example, when you share an article using a social media sharing button, the social network that has created the button will record that you have done this.

Updates to this policy

We regularly review our privacy policy and may make changes from time to time. The latest updates will be posted to this location